Dog choking: is a common problem faced by the dog owner but it may be dangerous for many reasons such as sticking something in there or may be any serious problem. Dogs can be choked on various things such as their favorite chicken bones, any plastic wrapper, and other items of their choice. Dog choking

Therefore, Dogs can also need help from their owner’s side. You should contact the veterinarian for this serious issue faced by your cute and loving furry friend.

Choking can be a dangerous thing for the health of your dog and needs immediate action by the dog owner. If you find your pet dog is unconscious and not able to breathe then please contact the veterinary doctor. In this situation, they can face various problems such as anxiety issues, irritation, and breathlessness. Dog choking

In case of choking, one thing you can do is you should try to open his mouth and examine if you can remove the irritating substance. Dog choking

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Reasons for Choking in Dogs

Now, we will discuss the various reasons faced by the dog and how to calm them from such an incident. First of all, you should calm down and try to see if your dog is choking or not. Dog choking

There are various causes that can be the reason of choking in dogs are:

Little pieces of bones

Cute and little puppies don’t know that they are eating something wrong that can harm their health but still they eat it because of their innocence. So, it’s your responsibility to keep them safe from anything that can affect their health. They can eat little pieces of bones. Don’t ever try to give them leftover bones, it can be the reason for choking. Tiny particles of bones can be stuck in the windpipe of their body.

Also the sharp pieces of bones can damage the structure of their throat and cause many problems related to their throats. Dog choking

Toys to play

Chewable and breakable toys can harm the throat of your cute dog, so you must be aware of this problem. You should give them those toys which are big in size to avoid any problem such as stucking and choking. Dog choking

Parts of furniture

If you leave your dog outside at your home then he can gulp any piece of wood or a stick of furniture, which can choke his windpipe and he starts breathless. Any piece of wood or stick can be stuck in his throat. You have to make sure that your furniture and sofas are properly covered with covers. Dog choking

Uncomfortable collar

Putting a collar on the dog’s neck can be useful to show your puppy as your pet animal but the collar which is too tight can cause choking in the throat of a dog. At Least try to avoid chains and too tight a collar for the safety and protection of your dog. It can easily cause choking and some injuries that harm your dog’s neck and also cause problems related to esophagus.

Problems Faced by Choking Dogs:-

There are various problems that can affect the overall health of a dog, it’s necessary to know about the signs and symptoms so that it will be easy to protect the health of a dog. we will discussed those signs which are as follows: Dog choking

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Breathing problem

If your dog is facing any problem related to their breathing style then you must inspect your dog’s neck or mouth immediately. It can cause a blockage in your dog’s breathing system. You must consult a veterinarian if you find your dog is gasping or pacing for their breath. Dog choking

Changes in the color of tongue and gums

Your dog can face the problem of changes in the color of his tongue and gums due to choking. It may be possible that his tongue and gums can be turned into blue or white in color. It is a strong signal that your dog is not able to breathe and he is not getting the proper amount of air to breathe. It’s miserable to say that it’s not a good sign for the health of their dog. Dog choking

Dog choking sound

If your dog is not able to do anything or make a high pitched sound by whistling that is coming from his mouth then it is a bad sign. He is trying each and every step to breathe but suddenly he is making a whistling or choking sound. It means he is not able to pass the air into his body. Dog choking

Dog choking

Pawing the face or throat

If your dog is pawing the face or throat then it is a big sign that something is needed to know. He is trying to let you know that he is in danger. Pay attention to the following clues and start to check his face or throat immediately.

Feeling agitated and anxious

If your dog is suddenly feeling anxious and agitated then definitely he is choking. You must be careful while observing his signs of choking. He can be more anxious than ever at this time. Dog choking

Feeling of Unconsciousness

If your dog is not getting the sufficient air to breathe then he can become unconscious due to choking. It’s an emergency to call the vet and take proper action for this issue. In the absence of proper air, he can lose consciousness for some time.

Preventive Measures While Your Dog is Choking

  • Some preventive measures you can take so that your dog can feel relaxed while the problem of choking:
  • It is nearly impossible to keep your dog away from such things which are harmful for his health. You have to try noticing the things that your dog is eating or chewing especially when they are going outside at your home.
  • Don’t give him small pieces of food because it can cause choking. Instead of small pieces, you can give him large pieces of food to eat.
  • Please do not give your dog any small toy or ball because it can be a sign of danger for him.
  • Do not give him leftover bones especially T-bones which can make high chances of getting choking sound in his throat. It can be stuck in his neck area somewhere that you will not be able to remove it. So, please be sure that whatever you are giving him to eat, it should not be harmful for him.
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What is the difference between coughing and choking?

  • There are some major differences that will help you to know about whether your dog is feeling stucked or facing a kennel cough. Such differences are:
  • A dog is feeling stuck or choking will become more stressful in this situation. Kennel cough can be noticed by gagging.
  • Coughing can cause your dog to cough constantly but choking can be stopped when the stucked part is removed from his body.
  • A dog who is suffering from kennel cough can also cause a hacking cough. While choking, dogs can make a high pitched sound of choking. They really need your help.


Dogs are like small babies and children. You have to pay attention to such things which can harm their health otherwise you will regret later. It’s your duty to pay attention to their food and other things. Whatever they are exploring you should keep an eye so that it will increase the chances of any risk of choking or sticking something very badly.

Never leave your dogs alone with small toys that can be chewed by them at any time. You have to make sure that the size of the toys are large enough in order to protect your dog’s health. Dog choking

In case of choking you have to calm down and take some actions against the problem of choking. You have to hold your dog very carefully and then turn him back. After turning him back, give him some pressure by using your palm beneath the cage of their rib. Then, push inside and outside five times in a motion of thrusting. After that roll your dog back on the side and check their throat or mouth for that food or object by which your dog is facing a big health issue.


Why is my dog making weird noises?

Your dog can be afraid of something you can’t see or feel. So, please check carefully if your dog is choking or having a kennel cough.

Why does it sound like my dog can’t breathe?

Your dog can make a high volume sound due to choking. That’s why he is also not able to breathe in this problem.

Is dog choking common?

Yes, it is normal that your dog is choking but it is not a good sign that your dog is unable to breathe while choking. You must consult his vet for further medical solutions.

What food do dogs choke on?

Such things are small pieces of toys, furniture or any substance that is small in size and can easily get stuck in the throat of your dog. So, be aware of such things that can harm your dog’s health.

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