Dog Eats Paper Towels?: Just imagine that your beloved or faithful dog is playing in the courtyard or while walking around the house he goes near the bathroom or accidentally finds a paper towel. Then he tries to eat the paper towel which gets stuck in his throat. In this situation, your dog will not be able to bark so you can listen to him.

So, you have to be very careful for the safety of your adult dog or cute puppy. Don’t worry in this critical situation because we are going to discuss the various solutions and safety measures to overcome this situation.

Dogs are not only intelligent but they are also very curious to know about new things and places. Sometimes the curiosity of dogs can make them happy and at other times, their curious nature can put their life in danger.

Please note: All these instructions and solutions are only the way to improve your dog’s health but you can call your veterinarian as soon as possible if you find any abnormal condition of your dog.

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Can A Paper Towel Be Dangerous For Your Dog?

Some kinds of tissues, toilet rolls and paper towels can prove to be a very dangerous thing for your dog because they all are made from the pulp of wood. We can say that all these above things can harm the throat of your dog by creating a blockage. And the damage can be large or small, it depends on the size of such things eaten and the size of your dog as well.

If paper towels and other things which are used for cleaning the bathroom, bleaching, nail polish removal, and for many reasons then it may be hazardous for dogs when they eat such things.

Many pet dog owners keep complaining that their dog has eaten a paper towel. What should I do now or what should I do in this situation??? These questions arise in the minds of owners… We are trying to understand some of these complaints here and also explain the possible solutions.

1 Find out what thing has been eaten by your dog

The first and foremost thing you need to do is checking your dog’s diet and what thing he/she is taking. It will help you to observe those things that are harmful for them. By mistake, if your dog has eaten the paper towel then you must take him to the veterinary doctor.

Although it will be difficult for you to know exactly what your dog has eaten, yet this task is not so impossible. You have to acknowledge what exactly it is. Is it a small piece of paper towel? Is it a rough paper towel which is used for cleaning, bleaching, removing nail polish and others that make your dog feel uncomfortable? You should have to analyze all these things that are mentioned above.

It may be impossible to know what your dog has eaten when you’re not with him or when he loves to eat fast. In that case, you should consult your vet for a checkup.

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2 Check your dog immediately

Always check your dog when he eats something that you don’t know what it is. Your dog can react very strangely after eating a small amount of paper towel or any big piece of it. You should consult your vet immediately without thinking a lot.

If you find your dog feeling uncomfortable and strange then you should check him whatever he is eating. It may contain paper towels which are used for cleaning kitchen utensils, greasing, bleaching and many others.

Small amount of paper towel doesn’t affect much but an excess quantity of small pieces of paper towel can affect your dog very much. It can disturb his digestive system very badly and can cause irritation or mood swings in his body.

It doesn’t matter at all that you know how to handle this situation but you should definitely consult the veterinarian for any future concerns.

3 Find out when your dog has eaten something

Sometimes you cannot be able to see what thing your dog has eaten and that’s how you come to no conclusions. Because some dogs love to eat alone in their private space that’s why you cannot know the exact thing they ate.

When you know about any chance that your dog has eaten something which is too dangerous for their health then please consult their veterinary doctor so that the doctor can handle the situation very well. Thus, it saves your dog’s health by giving them proper treatment on time.

4 How to induce vomiting by your dog?

It’s necessary to induce vomiting by your dog but it should always be performed by taking the permission of your veterinarian so that no possibility of any problem occurs. You cannot be able to remove the whole dangerous substance from your dog but you can reduce the effects of such a thing.

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When your vet suggests you induce vomiting by your dog?

  • Metal objects such as any coin which can prove to be toxic for your dog.
  • Such foods that are toxic for your dog such as grapes, any type of chocolate, cocoa powder, raisins, onion, xylitol and many others.
  • Ibuprofen is a type of drug that can cause diarrhea, inflammation, abdominal pain and many problems. It can affect your dog’s health badly.
  • You shouldn’t allow your dog to touch any small piece of cloth whether it may be underwear, socks or other things. It can affect their gastrointestinal system.
  • Any plastic item or small toys can also be dangerous for your cute dog.

5 When to say no to induce vomiting by your dog?

It can be possible that the dangerous substance can be affected very much when you start to induce vomiting by your dog so it’s necessary to know what substance is eaten by your dog. You should be very careful in case of the health of your dog.

When your vet suggests that you shouldn’t induce vomiting by your dog?

  • When you dog eat sharp objects like pins, needles, fork, plastic, pieces of broken glass, screws, nut bolts, or others, so you shouldn’t force him to induce vomiting
  • Certain chemicals can prove to be very dangerous for your dog if they are inhaled and ingested. Such chemicals can also affect their skin.
  • Acids that remain on the paper towel such as bleach, nail paint remover, or drain cleaner can cause many problems to the digestive system of your dog.
  • All alkali liquids such as detergents, slaps, or ammonia can also affect you badly.
  • Paint thinner and paint are also very dangerous.
  • Daffodils, tulips and other plants can also affect your dog if they consume them.
  • Any battery can also cause many problems to your dog’s stomach and esophagus.

What to do when your dog eats paper towels?

Giving your dog an injection
Your veterinarian can give your dog an injection so that they can feel sick. It helps him even more than vomiting because it is a safe process. It’s all safe just because the process is done by a veterinary doctor, it’s very safe to use and the doctor did this safely.

Endoscope into your dog’s stomach
A long and flexible camera called an endoscope, can help your dog to remove the dangerous substance from their stomach. But it is possible only when the substance is eaten by your dog before an hour or so. Sometimes, it’s not possible to start this process because of the size of the dog’s mouth.

Admit your dog to the hospital
If the condition is very serious for your dog then you take him to the hospital as soon as possible. Your dog should be hospitalized for some dogs so that the vet can know the reason, reaction and symptoms of the condition suffered by your dog.

Blood test
It’s also important to know the dysfunctional system of your dog when they eat paper towels or other dangerous substances. So, checking his blood test to know the exact reason is an important thing to do.


Whether your dog eats paper towels or anything else, you have to pay attention to what he is eating, when he is eating it, and how he is eating it. If you do not understand what your dog ate, contact your veterinary doctor as soon as possible or make an appointment with him so that your dog can be treated at the right time.

Rest we have discussed the necessary measures but in some cases surgery may have to be done, hence you should take more care of your dog. If your dog is unable to breathe and has a blockage in his throat, your vet may suggest surgery. In such a case, you do not need to panic because the doctor will only remove the blockage and also remove the unwanted and clogged intestine.


What happens when your dog eats a paper towel?
Paper towel can affect the whole digestive system of your dog and can cause a blockage in his throat.

Can paper cause blockage in dogs?
Small pieces of paper towel doesn’t affect much to your dog but big one can because it can take some hours to pass into your dog’s stomach. It can damage his intestines and can create a blockage.

Are paper towels safe to eat?
No, not at all. Paper towels are not safe for your dog’s health at any cost. You should be aware of such things that your dog is eaten.

What to do when your dog eat a paper towel?
Paper towel can cause blockage in the stomach area of your dog so you should induce him to vomit so that your dog feel better. Prepare a teaspoon of oxygen peroxide and give him to drink, as a result it helps your dog to reduce the harmful substance.

What happens when my dog eat a paper towel?
It can cause many problems such as irritation, diarrhoea and digestion related issues.

Will my dog can die by eating paper towel?
Yes, It is miserable to say that your dog can die just because of the gastrointestinal tract by eating paper towel. So, it’s your responsibility to monitor your dog everyday.