Dog ​​Losing Hair in Patches And Scabs?: As the owner of the dog, we all know that our cute little partners are not only animals but also a significant part of our lives. We treat them as a family member and they bring us fun, enjoyment, laughter, and a good bond
of friendship. So, it is our responsibility to take care of them and provide
them with all the essentials to live a robust and contented life.

Just like human beings, dogs can also suffer from various skin diseases
such as hair loss and scabbing problems. There are multiple reasons
behind these diseases. It can be a warning sign to see them worried about
their skin problems. It is such a miserable thing to see our cute and sweet
puppies losing their hair in patches and evolving scabs. It not only affects
the physical appearance of dogs but also impacts them mentally and can
create many health concerns.

Now we will discuss the causes of losing their hair, the reason for scabs in
their body and how such things affect their mental and physical health and
what major steps should be taken? We will also dive into the proper
treatments and tips for such dogs who are suffering from hair loss and

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Why is A Dog ​​Losing Hair in Patches And Scabs?

Dogs lose their hair due to many reasons but we will explore some
common reasons regarding their facts. The condition in which dogs lose
hair is known as alopecia and it may be caused by allergies, mange, poor
diet, and other medical conditions such as ringworm, trauma, skin cancer, and Seasonal shedding. We will discuss them one by one.

Symptoms of allergy in dogs

The most common symptom of allergy in dogs is itchy skin and it can be on
either one part of their body or spread all over the body. It caused them
redness, itchiness, and irritation. It also affects their digestive system which
results in diarrhea, weakness, and vomiting. Sometimes, these types of
allergies are normal in dogs because they disappear on their own over one
or two years. But some allergies can affect their hair and this results in
losing their soft and fluffy hair.

Symptoms of mange in dogs

It is a parasitic skin which can be caused by mites. These tiny creatures
live under the surface or inside the follicles of their hair. Their constant
touch may lead to hair loss, inflammation of their skin, and bald spots.

Lack of proper nutrition

Diet can play an important part in our dog’s hair loss. If the dog is not
getting enough vitamins, proteins, and minerals, it can lead to excessive
hair loss. Dogs can not talk to us but it’s our responsibility to give them a
proper diet according to their needs. They need a balanced diet with
enough protein and minerals and also such foods which are rich in omega
3 and 6 fatty acids, can protect them from easily broken hair.

Fleas and ticks can also cause hair loss problems in dogs. These parasites
can cause irritation and itching which results in hair loss and also scabbing
in them. Overbathing or using shampoos that are harsh and
contain harmful chemicals can cause itchy or dry skin. Excess of anything
can harm anyone’s life.

Some preventive measures we can take to overcome the issue of hair loss


We should know all the information regarding our dog’s breed and activity
level so that we can provide them with a scheduled bath in a healthy
manner. Some dogs need a bath every day while others need a few
months. It depends on them and their breed. We should use lukewarm
water and good quality shampoo which is only made for dogs.

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As a human being, brushing our teeth is the daily routine
and the same applies to dogs also. Regular brushing helps them to feel
relaxed and calm. It can also help your home free from hair and make the
dog’s hair bright and shiny. Shedding will also be reduced by performing this
day-to-day activity. We can also brush their hair before or after a bath to
protect them from losing it.


A balanced diet with proper vitamins and
supplements can help prevent losing hair. We can also try to give them
such foods that are high in proteins and biotin. For example meat, oily fish, and egg. Other supplements contain melatonin, fatty acids, and vitamins A
and E.

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Proper grooming

Regular grooming of dogs can help them to overcome unwanted hair loss.
Different puppies and dogs require different types of brushes. We have to
brush them in the right direction of hair growth and gently brush them. We
have to be extra cautious around their sensitive areas such as the ears,
eyes, and belly. After bathing, use moisturizer for their skin and a good
quality towel to dry them thoroughly.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that grooming and maintaining a proper diet
of dogs is a normal task but a challenging one. It’s a normal process for
dogs to lose their hair but we can manage shedding with proper attention
and care. After All, they are also living beings and they have a right to live
healthy, happy, and comfortable.

Scabbing in dogs

Before we discuss the problem of scabbing in dogs let us discuss what
scabbing is. A scab is a dried blood clot that forms over that part of the
body where the skin has been cut or broken. Common reasons for
scabbing in dogs are scratching, licking, or biting their skin by themselves.
As a result of this, some

Injuries or other skin problems can occur. At the same time, dogs can suffer
from trauma and it can affect their mental health as well.

Sometimes hair loss and scabbing can be caused together in dogs. There
are some common reasons why dogs can suffer from the problem of hair
loss and scabbing together.

Lack of proper nutrition, hormonal imbalances, inflammatory skin problems
and Cushing disease can lead to various skin problems which include hair
loss and dog scabbing.

We can follow some tips to overcome scabbing in dogs. Some of them are:

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Cleaning the area
We can use warm water on the affected area and after that, we can apply a
warm cloth.

Apply ointment
We have to apply a thin layer of some ointments which are given by the
veterinarian of our dog. We should follow the instructions
very carefully.

By covering the scab
To prevent scabbing in dogs we should cover the scab with the help of a
bandage to keep it moist. It helps by licking it with a dog. We can use an oil
specially made for dogs if the area of the scab is large.

If the scab does not reduce within a week then consult the veterinarian.

We can also overcome this issue by providing them with a good environment
that is free from allergens irritants and parasites. We should follow the
diet of our dogs guided by their veterinarian. And last but not least the
only treatment we can give is showering them with lots of love and
affection. It may change their mood and the lost confidence back on track.


As the responsible parent of our pet cum furry friend, it is very important to
give them all they need and offer them all our love which they deserve. We
should also be aware of the common symptoms in our dogs and whenever
we find an abnormal cause of any unknown disease in their body we
should consult a good veterinarian.

We should educate ourselves about various aspects of situations regarding
the health of dogs. In this modern era, there are so many endless
resources from articles to podcasts and many webinars on dog’s health.
We can search them and collect the necessary information for the well-being of our cute kid i.e. our dog. Always asking questions and updating
ourselves can help our dogs and protect them from such conditions. As a
pet parent if our dog is happy then we are happy. If we treat our dog as a
kid then we will nurture them with utmost care and attention.

Always remember that each dog is unique in their way and we should
not neglect any symptoms which can affect their physical and mental
health. Losing of hair and scabbing in dogs is not normal because it can
create many problems regarding their well-being. We should work on the
cause of such diseases and get proper treatment from their veterinarian.
When we provide them with love, attention, and care they will live a happy and
healthy life.