Dog Sleeping Positions With The Owner?: Dogs look cute and innocent when they sleep in their own place or when dogs sleep with their owners, they look even more cute, innocent and loyal. They look like an innocent child, seeking attention, love and care. Just as a child feels safe around their parents, dogs also feel comfort and peace by sleeping close to their owner.

We are going to discuss the amazing facts and different sleeping positions of a cute and fluffy dog with his owner. We will also delve into the signs and symptoms regarding the strange positions performed by your pet dog while sleeping in his place so that you can contact your vet regarding the situation.

Dog Sleeping Positions With The Owner?
Dog Sleeping Positions With The Owner?

Why Does Your Dog Change His Sleeping Position With You Or Alone In His Favorite Place?

It is absolutely normal when your dog changes his sleeping positions while ready to sleep in his favorite place or with his owner. You should observe him carefully for one year so that you can know about his health issues. You can contact your veterinary doctor after knowing the critical situation.

There are some reasons why your dog can change his sleeping positions which are as under;

Temperature- Your cute and loyal dog can feel hot or cold based on the temperature of your home. So, you should be aware of this so that your dog will not change his position simultaneously.

Peace and Comfort- Your dog can move here and there at night but it’s all normal. Circling and digging is commonly done by them to make the bed comfortable for sleeping.

Need Space- When humans need their personal space, then dogs are also living animals and they also have full right to live in their freedom. Some dogs need their own space so that they may change their sleeping positions. You should keep their favorite toys around them for better sleeping and enjoying their own personal space.

Let’s Know About The Sleeping Positions Of Dogs With Their Owners:-

There are endless sleeping positions you can see by your cute and fluffy dog behind you or near you which are as under;

Back To Back

Such a sleeping position can indicate your dog’s love and affection towards you. It will show you a special bond with your cute dog that you can’t deny because of his love and care for you.

If your dog wants to sleep back to back with you then it means your dog loves to cuddle up. He wants to sense the physical touch by keeping him close to you. It can also indicate a sign of companionship and friendship as well.

The Side Sleeper

Such a position of sleeping by your dog can be a common sleeping pattern performed by him. In this position, the dog lies on his side with legs extended. He will sleep peacefully with the side sleeper pose because of the good surroundings and temperature.

When your dog loves the overall surrounding then he will sleep with calm and pleasure. He feels safe and secure in his good and specific temperature.

It simply means that your dog feels safe and secure around you. He can snooze like this to show their peaceful and calm mind. Overall, it means that he is feeling safe and secure by sleeping with you.

Dog Sleeping Positions With The Owner?
Dog Sleeping Positions With The Owner?

The Superman

Those puppies and dogs who are energetic, joyful and playful by nature, will like to sleep in the superman position. This position refers to the dog who is sleeping on his stomach with his front legs stretched forward and his back legs stretched behind.

This sleeping position really means that your dog is feeling tired and ready to sleep near you. Such a position can be commonly performed by those dogs who feel tired after playing so many activities as they are so playful and joyful in nature.

The Burrower

Such a sleeping position in which your dog loves to sleep under any blankets, pillows and even in your favorite clothes. They want to nap for a while with their favorite toys and other things. They did a Burrower sleeping position just because they wanted comfort and security.

Burrower dogs also want to calm them down because they are feeling tired. It is recommended by some experts that dogs need love and comfort so you need to swaddle them with gentle hands and slow pressure. They need a break from working or herding and any other types of activities.

Human beings can use a sleep mask for eradicating any distractions from their surroundings and similarly dogs also need comfort to sleep without any distractions. They also want to distract themselves from any noise that is coming from their surroundings.

The Donut

The Donut sleeping position, also known as the “curled up ball”, indicates that your dog needs comfort, security and warmth from your side. They tuck their legs and then wrap their tail around them. Donut sleepers need love and comfort by sleeping like a little ball which is curled up so smoothly and efficiently.

Dogs used this sleeping position to conserve their body heat. They look cute and sweet while attending this sleeping position. They need to reduce cold and stress during the winter season. Shelties, Boston Terriers and Pomeranians can sleep in this position.

The Lion Pose

The Lion Sleeping position can also be called the sphinx position, where the dog wants to sleep with his head on the paws. This sleeping position done by your cute dog looks like a lion. That’s why it is called the lion sleeping position.

Those Dogs who have a playful and joyful personality can sleep in the Sphinx or lion sleeping position. It can be an excellent position for dogs who have a high energy level and want to play various games with interactive toys and other things.

Generally, watchdogs or protective dogs love to sleep like a lion or in the sphinx position. They are ready to go for a walk or grab any thief or stranger whether it may be a small and cute Chihuahua or a strong built German Shepherd, it can clearly indicate that they are always ready to watch over.

Head Elevation

As it mentioned in the name, this dog prefers to sleep with their head elevated from other parts of the body on their favorite couch or a pillow for comfort and peace. This sleeping position can help them to improve their breathing during sleeping hours. It also helps them to reduce the problem of snoring.

Belly Up

When you find your cute dog sleeping on his back with legs in the air then it’s a belly up sleeping position. If the dog sleeps belly up next to their owners then it means they are lying on the back side with their belly revealed. This position means that your dog is feeling very comfortable in their surroundings.

All these above sleeping positions can be done by your cute and fluffy pet dog. They are trying to tell you something by sleeping in different locations and different styles. If your dog is struggling to change his sleeping positions continuously then you should contact your veterinary doctor.


A good quality sleep is very important for your furry dog’s health. Generally, small puppies need atleast 18 to 20 hours of sleep per day and adult dogs need atleast 11 to 12 hours of sleep per day. It depends on several things also. A senior dog need at least 20 hours sleep on a regular basis.

As a dog owner it’s your responsibility to check your dog’s sleeping patterns on a daily basis so that you can contact your veterinary doctor for further treatment of your dog if you find anything wrong during your dog’s sleeping hours.

Choosing a right bed for your dog will be good foe your dog’s overall health. You should also clean his bed on a regular basis so that no dirt will remain on his bed because it can cause infection and allergy from bacteria, virus and other things.


How do dogs sleep with their owners?
A dog can sleep in different way with his owner whether it may be head resting on his owner and back to back to show his deep love and connection. It is a sign that your dog is feeling comfortable, safe, secure and calm towards you.

Is it Ok for a dog to sleep with his owner?
Yes, it is absolutely ok that a dog is sleeping right behind his owner for seeking attention, love and care. It’s good for dogs to sleep with their owners because it shows love and affection towards each other.

What does it mean when your dog is sleeping around you?
If you find your dog sleeping around you then it is a sign of utmost love, closeness, affection and care for you. It means he is feeling very comfortable, safe and secure around you and your family.

Is my dog Ok sleeping alone in his bed?
If your dog loves to sleep alone without any distractions then you should leave him alone for sleeping. Some dogs love to spend time alone while sleeping. Let him sleep according to his need and desires.

How many hours do dogs sleep?
A cute puppy can sleep at least 18 to 20 hours per day while adult dogs need sleep around 10 to 12 hours on a daily basis. A senior dog need at least 20 hours sleep on a regular basis.

Do dogs need silence for sleeping?
As a dog owner it’s your duty to check whether your dog is sleeping with comfort and peace. You can use different soothing sounds for increasing relaxation for your dog’s sleep.

Is it Ok for dogs to sleep in the dark place?
Dogs love to sleep in the dark place because it gives them comfort and peace throughout the sleeping cycle. It helps them to remove any distractions from their place. As a result, it can help them to improve their sleeping pattern in an effective and efficient manner.