Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?: If you are living with your dog then you don’t have to worry about loneliness and depression. Because of the dog’s company, you feel joy and excitement. The moment you feel sad or depressed your dog can feel it. They have a supernatural power to predict when you are happy, when you feel low, or when your children are about to come from the school bus.

Recent studies show that most dogs are more affectionate or protective during the pregnancy of their female owner. They can sense pregnancy in humans by checking their mood swings and the hormonal imbalances caused by pregnancy. Although it’s not scientifically proven that dogs can feel anyone’s pregnancy it’s a possibility that your dog can sense labor pain. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

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As we know there are various chemicals released during the journey of labor. Such chemicals and hormones are prostaglandins, which are responsible for cervical dilation; relaxin, which can help in promoting relaxation during the preparation of delivery; oxytocin, which initiates various contractions in the human body; adrenaline, which is a fight or flight mode type of hormone; endorphins, called as the feel-good chemical that provide a relief to your body; prolactin, it’s situated on the highest peak when labor starts. All these chemicals and hormonal changes can be smelled by your dog.

When labor starts only you know the physical pain and endless emotional changes. No one can feel your physical and mental pain. Although dogs can sense your emotional state. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Hey, Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Dogs have a remarkable ability to pick up on various changes in their surroundings, especially those changes which occur in the person they are close with. During pregnancy, many dogs are aware of the fact that their female owner is facing some issues. They can also sense the changes of behavioral patterns happening within her body and emotions which lead them to know the various aspects of pregnancy.

I think every human being is curious to know about the facts and signs their dog detects about the pregnancy. Before knowing the signs your dog knows when you’re pregnant let us know how dogs can react when you’re pregnant. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

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How do dogs react when you’re pregnant? What are some reactions made by dogs to human pregnancy? How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

If you know about the special quality of dogs then you’re a dog lover type of person. Dogs can read your mind and detect the various aspects of your thinking. We can say dogs are mind readers or the greatest reader of our mind. They have an extraordinary ability to sense change in the entire world around them and also including when their owner is pregnant. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Here are some factors that may determine how dogs react when you’re pregnant.

Dogs can be more protective around their owner when they know about their pregnancy. They feel protective towards the female owner especially when the baby bump grows. Dogs can spend more time with the pregnant lady in order to protect them from any harm. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

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When their owner is pregnant they feel more affectionate towards them. Pregnant ladies need extra care, love and attention during this journey. Dogs can fulfill this journey with extra unconditional love and attention because they feel affectionate or protective towards them. When their owners were giving them all the love they deserve now dogs feel that they can give them love. They show them extra care and love during this time. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

It’s not always necessary that dogs feel loved when they detect the pregnancy of their owners. They can feel anger and disagreement towards them. Dogs can become more rebellious and start doing things which are against their character. Such things are urinating in the home anywhere and chewing on items.

Dogs can be uncooperative and agitated when they know about the pregnancy. It’s an inevitable part in the changes of dog’s behavior. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Barking anytime
Mostly dogs barked in the night and when they felt happy or sad. But when they know about the pregnancy of their owner they can bark anytime. Dogs can also growling around the home. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Dogs can have a difficult time to adjust in the environment but most dogs can become normal after some time. Most of the time, they need extra love and care from their owner. It gives them a sense of relief and reassurance.

Always remember that dogs need extra love and care from their owner because they live with us. Dog is a sensitive member of your family and whatever affects you it also affects them. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Signs your dog knows you’re pregnant

Dogs have a very curious personality which helps them to know what’s happening around the environment. Some people can feel shocked after knowing that dogs can feel our emotional state as well as our inner feelings.

Many questions arise in the human mind about how a dog can detect pregnancy. The body of humans undergoes several hormonal changes and behaviors. Some changes you can neglect or can not predict but dogs can sense them and also notice the related facts. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

Some of the signs dog knows that you’re pregnant are:
There are various aspects of signs your dog knows that you are pregnant. We will discuss them thoroughly. However, dogs can not comprehend the whole concept of pregnancy as humans can. But dogs have the ability to sense some changes within their environment and their deep connection with their owners lead to awareness and support. How Signs Your Dog Knows Your Pregnant?

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Hormonal changes
Pregnancy leads to some hormonal changes and fluctuations in the body and dogs can sense such hormonal changes. They can feel and detect the hormonal shifts in the body.

Body language
As we know dogs are excellent at reading facial expressions and some changes in our body. They can feel the changes in your body with the help of your body language. When we feel sad or happy, dogs can recognise the changes and detect pregnancy.

Sense of smell
Dogs have an amazing and unique kind of nature. Even they have a highly sensitive power to smell anything from their nose. They have around 300 million olfactory receptors which is much higher than a human’s sense of smell. The ability to smell is around 6 million by humans. For example, when we smell fruits salad we think about those fruits but when it comes to the smelling power of dogs, they can smell each and every fruits included in the fruit salad.

Changes in body shape
Dogs can easily notice the changes in the body of their owner. Dogs can see the various changes such as difficulty in standing up, sitting issues and changes in stomach area.


Every dog is unique and different, and dogs have a good relationship with their humans. Some dogs can feel the sense of pregnancy while others can’t. Some dogs can not feel anything but some can feel overprotective, overwhelmed, anxious, clingy or agitated. Others can feel some strange behaviors like digging, chewing or urinating. These behavioral changes can happen due to adjustments in the life of their owner, or many biological changes happening within their body.

Dogs are very sensitive in nature and also regarding smells and sounds. So, it’s your responsibility to take care of them. Don’t make them feel alone during this challenging time. It will help them to feel calm and relaxed.

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