White Big Dogs: Everyone finds a big white dog beautiful, cute and attractive. Anyone can get mesmerized by seeing such lovely silky coats of dogs. Some dogs shed their cute and fluffy coats a lot, while others shed very little. White Big Dogs

The coats of big and large dogs are very soft and strong. Today we will talk about such big dogs whose coats are attractive and also look cute. Although some shed more and some shed less. We will talk about such dogs which are big in appearance.

We are going to discuss 11 white big dogs that are as under: White Big Dogs

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1 Great Pyrenees White Big Dogs

Great Pyrenees breeds are large, big, white and heavy coated dogs. They were used as working dogs for the protection of sheep from wolves and other predators. Now, they can be a good companion and family dog for everyone. They are very loyal towards their owners and they know their duty very well. White Big Dogs

Now, These dogs are known for their gentle and calm nature as they are very good with children and even with other pet animals. They shed a lot as they have a thick and heavy coat. So, they require brushing once a week. White Big Dogs

2 Bichon Frise

These small white dogs are very cute because of their physical appearance. If you are looking for a white dog then you will definitely select this cute breed. They can prove to be excellent family pet dogs.

Although these dogs are small in size but cute and intelligent by nature. These dogs are known for their fluffy and round body structure as they are one of the best and friendly natured dogs. They have fluffy and curly hair so they need daily brushing to protect themselves from matting and shedding.

They are so cute that you can’t deny adopting them and they are very energetic puppies for sitting in cute and nice manners. You can also reward them after completing their task as they don’t need much time to complete their training process.

White Big Dogs: You Must Know About These Large Fluffy Pet Dogs 6

3 Samoyed

Samoyed is a friendly and lovely dog with cute and sweet smile hailing from Siberia and they have a clean and pure coat of white color. They have a medium sized body with thick fur. They were renowned for their hard working nature as they were used for herding reindeer and pulling sleds on the journey of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Generally, the color of their coat includes white, creamish white or white & biscuit type. They are known for their intelligence, strong buildup, loving and caring nature and they can be a perfect fit for cool weather climates. White Big Dogs

4 Japanese Spitz

Japanese Spitz Dogs are one of the famous breeds and their name describes them fully. In the name Japanese Spitz, the word “Spitz” derived from the German word i.e. spitz, and it refers to the pointed muzzle as it also means “pointed”, these breeds are well known for their joyful, playful and affectionate personality traits.

The Japanese Spitz can be called cute and little comedians for their joyful and playful nature. They have a small to medium sized body with a deep chest and a medium sized white fluffy coat. White Big Dogs

5 Dogo Argentino

As the name talked about these breeds that they originated from Argentina for working and hunting other animals. They were famous for dog fighting as they have a strong muscular body. Typically, they are not so good for first time owners because these breeds need a lot of exercise with careful observation, proper training and socialization.

Dogo Argentino needs 60 minutes of exercise per day. They need a large yard for walking, running and jumping. Brisk walks can be a good option for them but they need freedom to run without any prohibition. White Big Dogs

6 Collie

Collies are known for their two types of coat, mainly rough and smooth. Rough collies have very long, thick and strong hair, on the other hand, smooth collies have short and soft fluffy hair.

Collies are also known as sheepdogs or shepherd dogs where the word col or coll derived from the Anglo-Saxon which means black. They originated in Scotland and the Northern region of England, well known for their pointed snouts. They have a medium sized body with a long coat. They were used for herding sheep during the 18th century.

The Scottish Collie or Rough Collie is a medium to large sized breed with their long coat. They were used for many works like, rescue dogs, therapy dogs, service dogs, messenger dogs, and working dogs. They are socially active and versatile dogs and well known for their loyalty and intelligence. Collies have an athletic body so they need at least one hour of physical exercise on a regular basis.

White Big Dogs: You Must Know About These Large Fluffy Pet Dogs 7

7 Pomeranian

Generally, Pomeranians have white body with a fluffy coat but they also have black, brindle, chocolate, red and orange coats. Color doesn’t matter the most but these dogs do because they are so cute and adorable.

The Pomeranian is a Spitz type of breed that originated from the Pomerania region in north-west of Poland and north-east of Germany in the central part of Europe. They need regular grooming requirements to protect from matting, shedding and tangles. They need to exercise two times a day to maintain their health.

8 American Eskimo Dog

American Eskimo Dog is a famous breed originated in Germany, and a member of the Spitz family. They are very intelligent in nature and also beautiful by their physical appearance. They have a smooth white coat with a small to medium sized body and can be find in mainly three sizes i.e. Miniature, Toy and Standard.

9 Poodle

Poodles, also known as Pudel in German and Caniche in French, is a famous breed by the name of water dog. They can be found in four main varieties based on their size like, Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle, Standard Poodle and Medium Poodle. However, the Middle Poodle is not so famous in all countries.

10 Old English Sheepdog

The Old English Sheepdog is a large breed dog originated in England used for herding animals. They have gentle, loving and intelligent personality traits. They can be great family dogs due to their fun loving and kind nature.

These breeds are extroverts as they love to socialize and meet strangers. They are very famous for their companionship and protective nature. They are intelligent, gentle, affectionate and fun loving pet animals that everyone will love to spend time with them especially children and other pet animals as well.

11 Bolognese

The Bolognese is a small breed type of dog with white and fluffy coat, well known for their loyal and loving nature. These dogs don’t shed much but their long sized coats need brushing two or three times per week for their overall health. It makes them physically and mentally fit.

White Big Dogs


All white and big dogs can suffer from hearing problems. Their white coats require a great amount of time and care by their owners as the color of their coat is pure and clean white. Regular brushing and proper grooming techniques can help them to overcome various health issues such as hair drying, loss of hair, and others.

The white coat of such dogs can be filled with dirt easily and can be affected by many bacteria and infections. You should be aware of such problems faced by your cute and fluffy let dog.


Why do white and big dogs get brown around the eyes?
All white and big dogs get brown under their eyes due to tears because tears can make tears strains. Tears include a pigment which is also called porphyrin, when it comes in contact it makes the fur of dogs filled with stains.

How do you clean white dog eyes?
The best and effective way of keeping your white dog’s under eyes perfectly fine and white in color is by cleaning them on a regular basis or whenever needed. You should do this process very gently with a calm mind. They need utmost love and care by your side during this process of cleaning their soft eyes.

What important thing to use while cleaning your white dog’s eyes?
It is recommended for many dogs that we can use hydrogen peroxide or boric for cleaning the under eyes of dogs. You should be very careful while applying such solutions for cleaning the surface of their eyes. You can also take guidance from online stores or markets.

Why does my cute white dog’s hair turn brownish?
When your dog cries then the pigment called porphyrin occurs under their eyes area. To prevent your dog from pigmentation, you can use different types of products that are available in the market.

How to groom your white dog?
Regular brushing can help your white dog be healthy and happy. It also helps them to overcome the dirt particles and debris around their white coat. You should bathe your dog every two to four months but you should bathe them frequently if their coat gets dirty and turns yellowish or brownish in color.

Are white big dogs hard to maintain?
Your cute and white fluffy dog can be clean for some time after bathing but can be filled with dirt and debris if they are not maintained properly with different grooming styles. Tear stains can make their eyes and mouth dirty so it’s your responsibility to keep them clean as soon as possible.

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