Chigi Or Corgi Chihuahua Mix: Chigis also known as Chi-Corgi or Chorgie or Chihuahua Corgi Mix, are known for their best qualities obtained from parent breeds. They are good for families but not so good for little kids as they can harm them by their nails or any other things. So, it’s always recommended to keep them away from small children and other puppies.

They are perfectly fit for single pet owners and older kids who are mature enough to join the company of Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs. They need a big yard to perform different curricular activities and also for training purposes. They love to run in a big yard without any hesitation.

Chigis are mixed breed dogs that are obtained from a cross between the Corgi and Chihuahua dog breeds. They are small in size but may be a good family pet dog for your home. They need only your attention to the maximum extent.

Chigi Or Corgi Chihuahua Mix

Characteristics And Physical Features Of Corgi Chihuahua Mix

Here are some characteristics and special features of Corgi Chihuahua Mix:

Corgi Chihuahua Mix breeds obtained their special features from their parent breeds. Chi-Corgi got their long body from Corgis with short legs or may be medium sized.

Height and Weight
The height of Corgi Chihuahua Mix is around 24 to 38 cm or 10 to 15 inches tall in size. They weigh around 3 to 8 kg or 7 to 17 lbs.

Coat color
The coat of Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs can be fawn, white, cream, chocolate, tan, chocolate blue, sable and black in color. Sometimes they are found in a single color but may be a combination of different colors of their coat.

They have a thick coat with shortness and straightness. You can groom them easily without any needs and desires. Brushing one time a week is enough for them.

The life expectancy of Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs is around 12 to 16 years.

They have almond shaped eyes and the color of their eyes ranging from dark brown to hazel or light brown eyes.

The color of their nose varies depending on the color of their coat. Nose colors may be pinkish beige, reddish beige, brown, black, and beige.

Temperament of the Corgi Chihuahua Mix Breed

Great with people
Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs love to spend time around everyone but sometimes they can harm small kids and other puppies. You have to be very careful while dealing with them.

Joyful and Playful
Due to their small size and less weight, they look cute and playful. They love to enjoy spending time around people. They can start to feel loving and caring towards everyone as they are lovable, affectionate and a little calm by nature.

High energy levels
Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs are highly energetic for all the activities they want to play and enjoy.

Chigis can impress anyone by their loyal nature around people. They are very loyal types of breed dogs that are always by your side.

Great companions
Corgi Chihuahua Mix or Chi-Corgi can be great companion dogs for you and your family. They got this quality from their parent breed corgis. Corgis are known for their intelligence, affectionate and companionable nature without being so needy. They love their owners with all their hearts.

Cute and sweet dogs
Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs are very cute and sweet from their physical appearance. They are so cute that you can’t deny to love them back as similar as them. They love when everyone loves them unconditionally.

Intelligent and eager to learn
Chigis are very eager to learn new things and activities for enjoying and playing different types of games. Such dogs can be good for those owners who are willing to give their best for dogs.

Three main reasons why shouldn’t own or adopt a Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs

Here are some main reasons that depict the disadvantages of owning or adopting a Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs:

Not Suitable For Watchdog Category
Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs can be lovable and affectionate by their nature but they are not so suitable for the watch dogs category because they don’t have the ability to recognise the difference between a good one and a bad one.

They can be alert dogs but not good for those who are looking for watch dogs. They can even feel attracted towards strangers or robbers. So, it’s better to not own or adopt them if you want a watchdog.

Introvert nature
They are not socially active breed dogs because they love to stay at home with their owners. If you are looking for such dogs who love to play outdoor games then Corgi Chihuahua Mix are not your type.

They love to become a couch potato on your sofa or any corner of your house. They are not lazy breeds but they don’t like to go outside for long hours. So, you can’t take them for steep hiking and long swimming.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs are affectionate and lovable dogs but they also need the same from you because you are their owner cum parent cum mentor. They can crave for immense attention by your side.

They need your utmost love and care that can demand your time and efforts. They can feel more attachment towards you. So, it is very important to select the dog according to your interest and lifestyle.

A Brief History Of Parent Breeds Of The Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs

Before going to know more about the Chigis or Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs, you need to know about their parent breeds. You should know about their history and characteristics before knowing Chigis very well.

The Corgi

The Corgi or Welsh Corgi is a small breed of dogs that originated in Wales. The word “Corgi” comes from the Welsh Cor-gi, which simply means “dwarf dogs”.

Generally there are two types of breed; the Cardigan Welsh corgi and the Pembroke Welsh corgi. The Pembroke comes with Flemish weavers Whereas the Cardigan comes with Norse settlers.

They were associated with the British Royal Families that’s why they were famous breeds and still popular for their charming and loving nature.

The Chihuahua

There is no specific evidence found about the history of Chihuahua because some peoples believed that they originated in Mexico while others believed that they were from China. Chihuahuas are so lovely and adorable dogs that are well known for their loyal and loving nature.

They are very intelligent and loyal towards their owners. They have a small sized body with their bold personality trait. They are amazing and great learners and love to play with everyone. You can easily afford the maintenance and caring routine of these dogs because they don’t need much grooming needs.

Chihuahua dogs are also known as purse dogs because they are so cute and one of the smallest breeds in the world. They can be great companion dogs for their various personality traits such as playful, joyful, affectionate, loveable and loyal.

Chigi Or Corgi Chihuahua Mix
Chigi Or Corgi Chihuahua Mix: All About This Unique Breed 3


The Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs are the mixed breed of a cross between the Corgis or Welsh Corgis and the Chihuahua or purse dogs, well known for their amazing personalities such as loving, caring, intelligent, smart, outgoing, joyful and loyal.

If you are looking for a good friend and companionship then you can own or adopt a Corgi Chihuahua Mix breed because they can be a perfect match for you and your family. Sometimes, they can feel alone if you leave them alone, otherwise they are very loyal and lovely dogs.


What do you call a Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dog?
We call them by different names such as Chigis, Chi-Corgi, and Chorgies. They are the mixed breed of corgis and chihuahuas so they have great personality traits such as alert, active, joyful, playful and loyal.

How long do Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs live?
The life expectancy of Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs also known as Chigis ranging from 12 to 16 years.

Are Corgi Chihuahua Mix good dogs?
Yes, they can become great companion dogs for you and your family. They are famous for their intelligence and loyalty because they have inherited these unique qualities from their parent breeds.

What is the temperament of Chigis?
When we talked about the temperament of Chigis, the Chigis are the perfect blend of the Welsh Corgis and the Chihuahua. These mixed breeds are known for their loyalty, friendliness and companionship.

What does a Chigi look like?
Corgi Chihuahua Mix breeds obtained their special features from their parent breeds. Chi-Corgi got their long body from Corgis with short legs or may be medium sized.

What are the different coat colors of Corgi Chihuahua Mix?
The coat of Corgi Chihuahua Mix dogs can be fawn, white, cream, chocolate, tan, chocolate blue, sable and black in color. They have a medium sized coat in length and also get smooth, furry and shiny coats.

What is the personality of Chigi dogs?
When we talked about the different personality traits of Chigis or Corgi Chihuahua Mix Dogs, the Chigis have unique qualities obtained from their parent breeds. Chi-Corgi got their long body from Corgis with short legs or may be medium sized.